Winter 2012/2013 – the story so far…

We are almost mid season, and it feels like it hasn’t stopped snowing for weeks! Snow depths in the Portes du Soleil are impressive – nearly 4 m at the top of the domain. And temperatures are low so the snow is staying good.

This season is certainly becoming one to remember. It started off great and has got better ever since. Take a look at Chatel skier Nicolas Cruz Mermy on the Super Chatel opening day – the day after the world was meant to end…

14 Spectacular Designs Created in Snow

Snow Designs 1

I know it is mid June, but waking up to snow on the tops of the mountains in Chatel has got me thinking about winter already, and of course, snow!

Making snowmen is a popular way for children to entertain themselves during the winter months. It’s a great winter tradition. Two giant snowballs, some lumps of coal and a strategically (or comically) placed carrot – and that’s usually about it.  Continue reading “14 Spectacular Designs Created in Snow”

Snow…so much snow

Wow, what a day! We woke to one of the largest (if not THE largest) overnight dumps of snow I have ever seen. I shovelled a bit of snow, and then off to the slopes.

Once the slopes were finally open, the powder was just amazing. Unbelievably deep. It felt like we were up to our chins in it.

The sun is coming out tomorrow and it is still snowing as I type this, so the skiing should be amazing.

In the meantime, here are some shots of our garden. Not bad for the 6th December!

Snowy Garden
Snowy Garden
Kids in the snow
Kids in the snow
Where have my steps gone?
Where have my steps gone?
More snow
More snow