We have just had a week of snow, and conditions are still splendid across the whole of the Portes du Soleil.
The Portes du Soleil has up to 270 cm at the top of the slopes and 150 cm at the bottom.
It looks like once again the Portes du Soleil will be finishing the season with significantly more snow than some of the higher/glacier resorts.
Chatel itself is now gearing up for some excellent events over the next few weeks. This Saturday, we have the Chatel Crew Contest, a Freestyle contest taking place at the Chatel Smoothpark.
Also, from the 21-25 March, look out for the Châtel 3Style Days. This event comprises of three big events:
- The Superpark Event
- The Razorsnowbike
- The Festyslide
The Razorsnowbike
Saturday 21 March 2009
From 9am to 3pm, meeting point at Linga
Amateurs riders in competition for one day of mountain bike on snow. The contest will be in two parts : in the morning, start in line and in the afternoon, four-cross. The Razorsnowbike was a very good success. 40 amateurs riders were present in a reaxed atmosphere. A play trail, with slope’s breaks, banking-bends and a good table at the end of the run. So a classical boardercross but on snow and with big bikes.
The Festyslide
Sunday 22 March 2009
The meeting between slide and music on Plaine-Dranse slopes.
Freestyle’s amateurs will be there to use Big air and Waterslide.
The day will be punctuated by concerts and DJ’s. At last freestyle demos and pyrotechnic animations will give rhythm to this event, really spectacular.
Superpark Event
Monday 23 and Tuesdat 24 March 2009
Ski & snowboard freestyle competition (pro)– Photo Shoot
Photo Shoot (Snowpark, freeride and life-style picture) on 2 days